Contact InformationFirst Name *Last Name *Email Address *Organizational Affiliation *Job Title *Approaches to improvement research and continuous improvement with which you identifyAction researchCommunity-based researchCommunity-based design researchCritical participatory action researchCommunity-based participatory researchContinuous improvement (general)Cycles of InquiryData Wise Improvement ProcessDesign-based researchDesign-based implementation researchDesign-based school improvementSolidarity-Driven Co-DesignDesign thinkingImplementation scienceImprovement scienceLeading through LearningLesson StudyParticipatory Action Research (PAR)Social design experimentsYouth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)Spirals of InquiryStrategic InquiryTeacher researchOtherContext(s) in which you engage in improvement research and continuous improvementNetworks (general)Networked improvement communitiesImprovement networkResearch-practice partnershipsResearch alliancesDesign partnershipSchool district central officeSchoolData teamsProfessional learning communitiesCommunities of practiceClassroomsCommunitiesOtherOption to Appear in Membership DirectoryWould you like to be included in the searchable membership directory? *YesNoUpload PhotoChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileMax size ( 30 MB)Background InformationOne goal of the ISN is to expand the diversity – broadly conceptualized – of the community of practical scholars and scholarly practitioners identifying with improvement research and continuous improvement in education. Please consider sharing the following background information to help us showcase the diversity of the ISN community. Background information about your experience and identities is for reporting purposes only. Aggregated information will be shared publicly; individual information will not be shared and will not appear in the public directory.Organizational affiliationInstitution of higher education: Research-intensiveInstitution of higher education: Professional preparation focusedResearch center or firmCommunity, parent, or advocacy organizationTechnical assistance provider / professional development organizationsFunding agency / philanthropySchool (K-12 public, charter, or private)District central office (K-12 public, charter, or private)County or regional educational agencyState governmentFederal governmentFor-profit companyOtherWhat is your race/ethnicity?AsianBlackHispanic or LatinoMiddle Eastern or North AfricanNative AmericanNative Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderWhiteTwo or more races/ethnicitiesPrefer not to answerPrefer to self-describeWhat is your gender?FemaleMaleNon-binaryPrefer not to answerPrefer to self-describe Join the ISN